Friday, August 7, 2020

New Report on Forest Service involvement in Public Use Management on Brazil Federal Protected Areas in Brazil

I was fortunate to work with a large group of U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service and University faculty and Brazilian conservation unit managers, central office planners and professors the last five years on a project to enhance connections between the Brazilian public and their public lands. Attached is the final report to USAID which funded most of that effort. It was a great experience, and as I have said before, strangers became colleagues who eventually become friends.

The work in Brazil was heavy and busy at times; my work was principally dealing with classes on protected area planning, facilitated also by American and Brazilian colleagues. This occurred in different parts of Brazil and the Brazilian Amazon. We both learned a lot during this time, and often employed double-loop learning. Thanks to Michelle Zweede from Forest Service International Programs and Suelene Couto and Lorena Brewster who helped with the program design and implementation. All the meeting were conducted with simultaneous translation conducted by incredible translators of Polare, a fine company from Brazil.

Those of you who want to take a look at the report, which is very different from many reports, can click on the link below: