Saturday, November 13, 2021

 How do We Deal with Our Agendas in a Time of Turbulence?

We all know that times are difficult, that protected area managers are challenged like never before, that planning and then implementation are difficult to put together. Yet, in this difficult time, we still have that job to do.

We are tempted to search for simplistic solutions, particularly in light of the accelerating demand for protected area tourism. These are solutions that quick to implement, but focused primarily on challenges that are really just symptoms of deeper down trends. In this talk, given at the Virtual Conference on Improving Tourism in Protected Areas amidst the COVID Pandemic, I shared three actions we need to take when dealing with our short and longterm agendas. These are Diving Deeper, Thinking Differently and Acting Holistically. This video develops the rationale for this way of linking thinking with doing and provides examples.